With one of the biggest gaming showdowns about to happen all eyes are on Infinity Ward and DICE as to who will be crowned victorious. That said, Infinity Ward feels there isn't even a competition going on.
Speaking at a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer conference creative strategist Robert Bowling has revealed that Infinity Ward isn’t about hitting the charts but about making a game for the fans.
Speaking to IGN Bowling responded to questions on whether they were concerned about competition (Battlefield 3 being the main example) by saying:
“We don't care about sales numbers, we don't care about competition, we don't care about beating anyone. Our 100 per cent focus is making a game that we're going to love to play, that we're going to be proud of, and that we know that our fans are going to play.”
Battlefield 3 vs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
These questions have come after it’s been widely acknowledged that the upcoming release of Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 will be the showdown of the year.
Naturally this doesn’t concern Infinity Ward who say that their primary focus is on making the best Modern Warfare yet, and making a game that both fans and newcomers will love.
In conclusion..
With online being such an integral part of the game there’s been huge speculation about what new features Modern Warfare 3 will bring to the table with the Spec Ops mode being the newest feature.
But what does all this mean to the developers, not the customers, well Bowling summarises by pointing out that “to us, we don't care if there are three people playing it or 30 million people playing it. If there are three people having a great time then we've done our job correctly and we will be happy."